December 20, 2014: JonathanTrailerSpace//12XUBeerland

Opening scenes from Trailer Space with Jonathan Horne, followed by (I think) Spencer Dobbs; remaining scenes from the 12XU holiday party at Beerland, with John Schooley and Walter Daniels, Jonly Bonly, Xetas, The Dead Space and The Flesh Lights.



John Schooley and Walter Daniels - "All Around Man"

Jonly Bonly - "You Want It"

Jonly Bonly - "Uninspired"

Xetas - "The Redeemer"

Xetas - "The Sentence"

Xetas - "The Tether"

The Dead Space - "You're Fake"

The Dead Space - "Behind the Wall"

Flesh Lights - "Free Yourself"

Flesh Lights - "Big Break"

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