April 17, 2014: Kleinecke the Krusher

Scenes from Hotel Vegas with Strategies, Xetas, Sur, Sex Tide, and Coma in Algiers.



Xetas - "The Fake"

Xetas - "The Knife"

Sex Tide - "Oh Ah Ha"

Sex Tide - "Never Get to You"

Coma in Algiers - "Freeland"

April 15, 2014: Art Acevedo

Scenes from Trailer Space Records with Art Acevedo (members of Gospel Truth, Coma in Algiers, R.A.D.)



Art Acevedo - "Another Vampire Weekend"

April 12, 2014: Ghetto sandwich

Scenes from The Lost Well with The Ghetto-Birds; additional scenes alternating between Red 7 with Borzoi, Weed and Crooked Bangs, and Beerland with Beth Israel, Empty Markets and Ghetto Ghouls.



The Ghetto Birds - "Dykmatyzed"

Borzoi - "Draino"

Borzoi - "Vietnam" and "Sexy Leper"

Empty Markets - "Home Invasion"

April 11, 2014: Trustees sweet talk the young

Scenes from Hotel Vegas with Trustees, Sweet Talk and The Young.



Trustees - "Last Man"

Trustees - "Little Grace"

Sweet Talk - new song

Sweet Talk - "Talk"

April 9, 2014: AbominableMexBirth+AGDResidency

Opening scenes from The Abominable Mex's birthday party at Trailer Space Records, with Church Shoes, Coma in Algiers and The Gospel Truth; closing scenes from A Giant Dog's Wednesday residency at Hotel Vegas, with John Wesley Coleman and AGD.



The Gospel Truth - "Heaven is Ugly"

The Gospel Truth - "Human Zoo"

A Giant Dog - "Another World"

A Giant Dog - "All I Wanted"

April 5, 2014: David, Daniel and the Church Shoes boys

Opening scenes from Cheer Up Charlie's with David & the Israelites and Daniel Francis Doyle & the Dreams; closing scenes from Hotel Vegas with Church Shoes.



Church Shoes - #tossed

March 29, 2014: Spray Paint tour kickoff

Scenes from Spray Paint's tour kickoff show at Hotel Vegas with Massageinist, Empty Markets and Nazi Gold.



Empty Markets - "Adults and Children"

Empty Markets - "Informant's Ritual"

Nazi Gold - "We Make War"

Spray Paint - "George's Theme"

Spray Paint - "Psychic Doug"

March 16, 2014: Day Six

SouthBy 2014, day six: daytime and early evening scenes from Uncle Doug's Chili Dog Fest (at Side Bar and Empire Control Room) with Jon Langford and Skull Orchard, John Wesley Coleman, The John-Pauls, Texas Never Whispers, Chicon, Simple Circuit, The Golden Boys, The Dead Space, R.A.D., Cheetah Chrome, Spray Paint, John Schooley and the Houserockers, Obnox, Sweet Talk, Amplified Heat, The Ardent, Tyler Keith and the Apostles, Church Shoes, Dikes of Holland and The Ugly Beats; nighttime scenes from Beerland with The Blind Shake, Shark Toys, Borzoi, Massageinist and Dikes of Holland.



John Wesley Coleman - "Jesus Never Went to Junior High"

Chicon - "El mero mero"

R.A.D. (Rhett and Dean)

Spray Paint - "Ultimate Umpire"

Sweet Talk - "Never Alone"

Tyler Keith and the Apostles - "Do It For Johnny"

Tyler Keith and the Apostles - "Desperate Measures"

The Ugly Beats - "Motor"

The Blind Shake - "Can't Stand Life"

The Blind Shake - "Calligraphy"

Shark Toys - "Talk and Talk"

Borzoi - "Body and Mind"

March 15, 2014: Day Five

SouthBy 2014, day five: opening scene from the CQ Records house party with Lola-Cola, Pollen, Pink Frost, The Zoltars and Obnox; second scene from the Longbranch Inn with Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds; third scene from Trailer Space Records with Sweet Talk, The Gospel Truth, Unholy Two and Obnox.



The Zoltars - "I Walk Alone at Night"

Jare Bear - "The Freedom Song" (from Jared's forthcoming children's album)


Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - "Bubble Trouble"

The Gospel Truth -"Hud"

March 14, 2014: Day Four

SouthBy 2014, day four: opening scene @Red 7 with The Blind Shake; second scene from Shhmaltz with Jesus Sons and Obnox; third scene from Hotel Vegas with The Blind Shake; fourth scene from Shhmaltz with Shark Toys, Basic Cable and Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds; fifth scene from The Grand with Buck Biloxi and The Fucks, Flash Boys, Shark Toys, Talk Sick Brats, Dinos Boys, Technicolor Teeth, Dirty Fences, Dikes of Holland, Liquor Store and Shocked Minds.



The Blind Shake

Obnox - "Without a Soul"

Obnox - "Only Black Man in South Dakota"

The Blind Shake - "They're All Gone"

Shark Toys - "Library"

Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - "She's Like Heroin To Me"

Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - "The Cucuy"

Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - "LSDC"

Buck Biloxi and the Fucks

The Flash Boys - "Here Comes the Neighborhood"

Shark Toys - "Where Were You?"

Talk Sick Brats

Dinos Boys - "Catapult"

March 13, 2014: Day Three

SouthBy 2014, day three: opening scene from Obsolete Industries with The Blind Shake; second scene from Beerland with Protomartyr and Obnox; third scene from New Movement Theater with The Blind Shake; fourth scene from Beerland with Spray Paint; final scene from Trailer Space Records with Warm Soda, Big Tits, Protomartyr and Dead Ghosts.



The Blind Shake - "I'm Not an Animal"

The Blind Shake

The Blind Shake

Protomartyr - "In My Sphere"

The Blind Shake - "Out of Work"

Spray Paint - "Squaw"