Scenes from Sidewinder with Crooked Bangs and Manikin.
Manikin - "Face the Wall"
Manikin - "Disconnect"
Manikin - "No Reason"
Manikin - "Perfect Pictures"
Scenes from Mitchstock (One Night of Peace, Love & Mitch) @Hotel Vegas with Nick Allison and the Players' Lounge, Mitch Fraizer and His Radiation and John Wesley Coleman.
Opening scenes from Beerland with the Hex Dispensers; closing scenes from Randall Holt's record release show at Sidewinder with Abigail und Hansel and RH.
Scenes from Beerland, for the third installment of quarterly series Austin Jukebox, with Adam Busch, Don Howland, the Sons of Hercules and Generación Suicida.
Opening scenes from the Moose Lodge with the Hex Dispensers and Mind Spiders; closing scenes from Beerland with SXSW (the band), Strange Squares and R.a.D.a.M. (Rhett and Dean and Matt).
Opening scenes from Beerland with improvisational quartet Art Acevedo; closing scenes from Empty Markets' record release show at Hotel Vegas with Ghetto Ghouls, Spray Paint and EM.