Opening Scenes from Hotel Vegas with Art Acevedo; remaining scenes from Beerland with Forever Changes, the Ugly Beats and the Sons of Hercules.
Art Acevedo - "Aasim, First Citizen of Austin, We Salute You"
Art Acevedo - "In The People's Trust"
Art Acevedo - "The Wall Between Us"
Art Acevedo - "Ghost of Police Future"
Forever Changes - "A House is Not a Motel"
Forever Changes - "Alone Again Or"
Forever Changes - "Maybe the People Would Be the Times or Between Clark and Hilldale"
Forever Changes - "Seven & Seven Is"
The Ugly Beats - "I Can't Hide"
The Ugly Beats - "Gudbuy T' Jane"
The Sons of Hercules - "Brain Dead"
The Sons of Hercules - "Grow Up"
August 22, 2014: AA/FC/UB/SoH
August 16, 2014: AGD/BL
August 9, 2014: get dumber with Art Acevedo
August 8, 2014: 'bout Damn Times
Opening scenes from Hotel Vegas with John Wesley Coleman; remaining scenes from Gypsy Lounge for the return of The Damn Times with City Life and Borzoi.
John Wesley Coleman - "Miranda"
The Damn Times - "Feelin' Better?"
The Damn Times - "Moto Girl Saturday Night"
City Life - "Touch Me"
Borzoi - "Worrywart"
Borzoi - "Swamp Thing"
August 3, 2014: Wedding Rock
Scenes from the musical portion of Jillian and Carrie's wedding celebration at Fiesta Gardens, with Chicon, The Frightened City and Flash Boys.
Chicon - "Slow Nights"
Chicon - "Crush"
The Frightened City - "Left Below"
Flash Boys - "Shitty Things"
Flash Boys - "She Don't Care"
Flash Boys - "All Night Long"
Flash Boys - "Move"
August 2, 2014: CIA and The Gospel Truth
Opening scenes from Cheer Up Charlie's with Coma in Algiers; closing scenes from Beerland with The Gospel Truth.
Coma in Algiers - "Meaty Gums"
Coma in Algiers - "Sexual Beings"
The Gospel Truth - "32"
The Gospel Truth - "You don't want us"
The Gospel Truth - "The Belt"
The Gospel Truth - "12ax7"