Scenes from Flamingo Cantina with the Ugly Beats.
The Ugly Beats - "Los Gusanos"
June 21, 2014: Spray Paint Xerox Empty Markets
June 12, 2014: Flesh Lights record release
June 7, 2014: The Gospel Truth according to Massageinist Art Acevedo
Scenes from Beerland with Massageinist, Art Acevedo, and The Gospel Truth.
Massageinist - "Shut Up Demon"
Art Acevedo - "Heard You But Don't Care"
Art Acevedo - "Police Heaven" / "You're The Change You're Looking For"
Art Acevedo - "Acevedo Has A Vision"
The Gospel Truth - "Hud"
The Gospel Truth - new song, no title yet
June 6, 2014: B/BC/FI/SC
Scenes from Beerland with Borzoi, Blood Cookie (MPLS), The French Inhales and Simple Circuit
Borzoi - "Nothing Works"
Borzoi - "Swamp Thing"
Blood Cookie - "Stay Neutral"
French Inhales - "Always on Another Planet"
French Inhales - "Never Show My Face"
Simple Circuit - "All Again"
Simple Circuit - "Beat Waves"
May 30, 2014: Protomartyr bookends
Opening scenes from Protomartyr's instore at End of an Ear; closing scenes from Holy Mountain with Simple Circuit, Xetas and Protomartyr.
Protomartyr - "Scum, Rise!"
Simple Circuit - "Mysteries"
Xetas - "The Silence"
Xetas - "The Redeemer"
Protomartyr - "Feral Cats"
Protomartyr - "Jumbo's"
Protomartyr - "How He Lived After He Died"