March 12, 2014: Day Two

SouthBy 2014, day 2: scenes from Beerland with Spray Paint, The Rebel, Destruction Unit, Ichi Ni San Shi, Quin Galavis, Kingdom of Suicide Lovers, The Dead Space, Foreign Mothers, Suspirians, The Best and Flesh Lights.



Spray Paint - " Cussin' "

Spray Paint - "Spock Fingers"

The Rebel - "Bums on a Rock"

Ichi Ni San Shi - "Here Sometime Today"

Kingdom of Suicide Lovers - "Phoenix Sunrise"

The Dead Space

Foreign Mothers - "Chop Wood"

Flesh Lights - "Big Break"

March 11, 2014: Day One

SouthBy 2014, day one: opening scene @Trailer Space Records with Kingdom of Suicide Lovers; additional scenes from Hotel Vegas with Pharaohs, Breakout, Hector's Pets, Flesh Lights, AJ Dávila y Terror Amor, Kelley Stoltz, Protex, Coachwhips, Outer Minds, Bad Lovers and A Giant Dog.



Kingdom of Suicide Lovers - "The Fence"

Pharaohs - "Work It Out"

Flesh Lights - "We Go Off"

A Giant Dog - "Creep"

March 1, 2014: NG/BS/UB

Scenes from Beerland with Nazi Gold and Burnt Skull; further scenes from the Lost Well with The Ugly Beats.



Nazi Gold - "Tape"

Nazi Gold - "Breaker"

Nazi Gold - "Things"

Burnt Skull - "Uniform"

The Ugly Beats - "Get Up"

February 28, 2014: Schooley and the Houserockers

Scenes from Beerland with Call Me Animal (MC5 covers), John Schooley and the Houserockers (Schooley and Mike Mariconda doing a set of Hound Dog Taylor songs), and a rare gig by the Damn Times (rumor has it they only play 40th birthday parties).



John Schooley and the Houserockers - "44 Blues"

John Schooley and the Houserockers - "What'd I Say"