July 11, 2015: ATC-EM-AA-S-TD

Opening scenes from the Carousel Lounge with Air Traffic Controllers; remaining scenes from Beerland with Empty Markets, improvisational quartet Art Acevedo, Sewers and Tear Dungeon.



Air Traffic Controllers

Empty Markets - "Monochrome Lunch"

Empty Markets - "New Religion"

Art Acevedo - "On Nihilism"

Art Acevedo - "Wounded Hand"

Art Acevedo

Tear Dungeon - "Father Yod"

July 8, 2015: Dikes of Holland!!!

Opening scenes from Holy Mountain with US Weekly; remaining scenes from Hotel Vegas with Telepods and Dikes of Holland.



US Weekly - "Walls"/"Simone's House"

US Weekly - "Life's Too Short"

US Weekly - "Void of Devices/Ice Cream"

Telepods - "Lizard Underworld"

Dikes of Holland - "Washateria"

Dikes of Holland - "Rotten Taste"

Dikes of Holland - "Golden Age"

July 4, 2015: the Mohawk

Scenes from the Mohawk with Bad Sports, the Cynics, Dead Moon, the Ugly Beats and A Giant Dog.



Bad Sports

Bad Sports

Bad Sports

The Ugly Beats - "Janie"

The Ugly Beats - "In Her Orbit"

The Ugly Beats - "Heidi"

A Giant Dog - "Anyway"

A Giant Dog - "Cleveland Steven"

July 3, 2015: Manhunt::Wes::BrotherJT

Scenes from Spider House Ballroom with James Arthur's Manhunt, John Wesley Coleman and Brother JT.



James Arthur's Manhunt

Brother JT - "Flabbergasted"

Brother JT - "Way to Go"

Brother JT - "UR"

Brother JT - "Never Never"

July 2, 2015: X-SE-CB-HD

Scenes from Hotel Vegas with XETAS, Street Eaters, Crooked Bangs and the Hex Dispensers.



Hex Dispensers - "O.B.I.T."/"My Love is a Bat"

Hex Dispensers - "Trapped in the Amber"

June 28, 2015: R[]AAW[]NC

Scenes from Beerland with Resent, An Atomic Whirl and New China.



New China - "OK QT"

New China - "Thunderwig"

New China - "Chlorine"

June 27, 2015: TGT@YJSC+Beerlandversary,pt.2

Daytime scenes from Yellow Jacket Social Club with The Gospel Truth; nighttime scenes from night 2 of Beerland's 14th anniversary weekend with Jonly Bonly, James Arthur's Manhunt and Meet Your Death.



The Gospel Truth - "Hunger Artist"

The Gospel Truth - "What Keeps You Up at Night"

The Gospel Truth - "Set It on Fire"

Jonly Bonly - "Certainty"

Jonly Bonly - "Nausea"

James Arthur's Manhunt - "Shark Teeth"

James Arthur's Manhunt

Meet Your Death - "If You Live"

Meet Your Death - "Tracking the Dog"

Meet Your Death - "Obeah Man"

June 26, 2015: BeerlandBirthday

Scenes from the first night of Beerland's 14th anniversary weekend with Borzoi, XETAS and Manikin.



XETAS - "The Burden"

XETAS - "The King"

Manikin - "Face the Wall"

Manikin - "Perfect Pictures"

Manikin - "Stand Still"

Manikin - "The Manikin"

June 25, 2015: ST 37

Scenes from the Badlands with ST 37.



ST 37 - "Heather Catherine Tallchief"

ST 37 - "The White Comanche"

ST 37 - "Magnetic amphibian hydrated gills"

June 22, 2015: EndlessYouth/ArtAcevedo

Scenes from Rock Candy nights at The Grand with Endless Youth and improvisational quartet Art Acevedo.



Endless Youth

Endless Youth

Art Acevedo - "The Big Set-Up"

Art Acevedo - "Growing Revelation"

June 18, 2015: HoleInTheWall

Scenes from Hole in the Wall with The Gospel Truth, US Weekly, Borzoi and Crooked Bangs.



The Gospel Truth - "Heaven is Ugly"

The Gospel Truth - "Set It On Fire"

US Weekly - "Mein Kampf"

June 14, 2015: The Sonics!

Scenes from Red 7 with John Schooley and His One Man Band, the Sons of Hercules and The Sonics!



John Schooley and His One Man Band - "A Thing You Gotta Face"

Sons of Hercules - "Guttersnipe"

The Sonics - "Sugaree"

The Sonics - "Have Love Will Travel"

The Sonics - "Boss Hoss"

The Sonics - "Strychnine"